How do Beginners increase running distance?

How do Beginners increase running distance?

Running long distances is physically demanding but very rewarding. However, it can also take some getting used to when you’re just starting out. This article gives you 6 tips to help you get started in long-distance running if you’re a beginner.

  1. Start slow: Beginners should start out with short runs of one to two miles, and then gradually work up to longer distances.
  2. Increase mileage gradually: Increase your running distance by 10% each week. This will prevent overtraining and injury.
  3. Take rest days: Make sure to take at least one day off from running each week to give your body time to rest and recover.
  4. Build strength: Incorporate strength training into your routine to build endurance and reduce injury risk.
  5. Cross-train: Incorporate other forms of exercise, such as swimming, biking, or yoga, into your routine to build overall fitness and increase running efficiency.
  6. Join a running group: Joining a running group can help motivate you to improve and push yourself to run longer distances.

Running Performance – Overview

Ultimately, your running performance takes precedence over the consistency of your training. Running an extra 5 or 10 miles next week only makes sense if it lasts for months. Instead of always trying to do better, try to run more consistently over the months and years.

When I think about my own training, my impatience annoys me. Why have I bulked up so aggressively in the past? beat me up Maybe I thought 80 miles a week was the secret to success. Or 90… or 75. There have been countless times in my career when I’ve impatiently injured myself while chasing a number on my running record.

Build a team

Besides the health benefits, one of the biggest benefits of distance running is the community. It’s hard to go mile after mile with every training partner without compromise. During my running career, I’ve met some really great people through our shared love of the sport.

Meeting new people can be intimidating, especially if you’re an introvert (like me). But I can’t stress enough how helpful it is to have a group of like-minded people holding you accountable on days when running feels like a chore. A good conversation will also make the kilometers go by faster and will prevent you from walking too much. I encourage all new runners to contact their local running club, find out when they meet and show up for training on their schedule.

Benefits of increased mileage

  • Ensures you can manage time on your legs for distance runs
  • Improves your endurance for all types of events
  • Improve your speed over shorter distances
  • Long, slow, loose runs improve your fat burning
  • High runners seem to occur when you regularly run longer runs

When you’re ready to increase your mileage and avoid injury, it’s not just about running. Adding weekly miles is only part of the equation in becoming a stronger runner.

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