How do you become obsessed with running?

How do you become obsessed with running?

Follow these steps to become obsessed with running:

  1. Set goals – Make sure you set realistic goals for yourself and track your progress.
  2. Find motivation – Whether it’s a new personal record or a beautiful view, find something that motivates you to keep running.
  3. Track your runs – Use a tracking app to track your runs and keep track of your progress.
  4. Make running a priority – Schedule your runs and make sure you have time to stick to your goal.
  5. Celebrate your successes – Reward yourself for reaching goals and celebrate your victories.
  6. Join a running group – Being part of a running community will help you stay motivated and connected with other runners.
  7. Push yourself – Keep challenging yourself to go faster, further, and longer.
  8. Find the right gear – Invest in quality running gear that will make your runs more comfortable and enjoyable.

Running Priority

Do you often avoid happy hour rides on Friday nights because you have to run on Saturday mornings? Are your friends all runners? Does your training schedule prohibit activities or events you enjoy? When emotional connections are abandoned by exercising overtime and you find yourself in constant pain and injury (even if you have chronic fatigue), it’s time to reassess your exercise program and motivation.

Saremi identified a certain type of person who may be particularly prone to running obsessions. “People who become addicted to running often feel extremely anxious, depressed, or distressed when they can’t run due to illness, schedule, or other factors,” she explained. While many runners can relate to these feelings, ask yourself how strong they are and whether you are choosing to forego other meaningful activities in order to run.

Don’t make all your trips a running vacation

When was the last time you took a vacation without running? We understand that it is your passion, but sometimes a complete rest is a good thing. That’s not to say you can’t explore your surroundings while you run, we’re just saying there are other ways to unwind than going on an eight-day hike or immersing yourself in a post-marathon activity.

You are an avid runner, your friends are not. Guess what? They don’t care about their new race track. They don’t care what your new superfood-packed stew recipe tastes like or how you’d trade your life for minimal shoes. And seriously, shut up about the quinoa. Be prepared to talk about something other than running.

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