What should you not do before running?

What should you not do before running?

A common mistake runners make is drinking too much or too little before a workout.

You should not eat a heavy meal before running, as it can make you feel uncomfortable or bloated, and can also cause indigestion and stomach cramps. You should also avoid drinking too much water or caffeinated beverages before running, as these can also lead to discomfort. Finally, it’s important to warm up before running in order to prevent injury.

The human body is over 50% water and needs water not only for running, but also for basic bodily processes like breathing and digestion to stay alive. When we exercise we lose a lot of water through sweat and the body works very hard to maintain performance. Therefore, it is important that we stay optimally hydrated before, during and after a race.

Fatty foods

Fat, the macronutrient, is an essential element for life. All human beings need fat, protein, and carbohydrates to function. But it’s better to avoid high-fat foods before running. Fat requires more work and time for the body to digest. The benefit of burning fat before the race is longevity: strength athletes gain weight longer.

But eating a high-fat snack RIGHT before your run doesn’t give your body enough time to convert the food into usable food. Additionally, fats can cause severe abdominal pain if not properly digested prior to exercise. Some runners find foods high in saturated fat (such as cheese, bacon, hamburgers, etc.) particularly problematic.

Not drinking enough

Staying hydrated is important for optimal running performance, especially when running in hot weather. However, you should avoid swallowing water just before running. Drinking your drink throughout the day is by far the best way to stay hydrated.

Tip: The color of your urine is the easiest way to tell if you’re hydrated or not. You should aim for clear urine, while yellow or dark yellow urine is an easily recognizable sign of dehydration.

Foods to avoid before running

It is best to avoid foods high in fat, fiber, and protein before hitting the sidewalk or trail. «Too much fat or protein before your run can cause cramping or fatigue because your body spends energy digesting it instead of running,» says Shapiro. High-fiber foods can also lead to GI discomfort and cramping, as they are difficult to fully digest and therefore move quickly through your system. Some runners swear by a caffeine boost, but be careful not to overindulge in coffee or tea for the same reasons you might not want to overindulge at the office: elevated heart rate, stomach aches, and frequent trips to the bathroom. These foods can be difficult to digest before running:

  • legumes
  • broccoli, artichokes, or other high-fiber vegetables
  • apples, pears, or other high-fiber fruits fiber in fiber
  • cheese, red meat, bacon or other foods high in fiber
  • caffeine (high amounts)
  • spicy foods

No Avoid the bathroom

If you don’t live on the edge, you should stop by the bathroom at least 30 minutes before your race. Trust us here, public restrooms are harder to find and not as comfortable. There is nothing worse than receiving a call from nature while you are running.

Exercise your body and get into the habit of walking before leaving home.

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