Why is it harder to run in the afternoon?

Why is it harder to run in the afternoon?

Running in the afternoon is often more difficult because the body’s core temperature is typically at its highest – this can lead to fatigue, shortness of breath, and decreased performance. Additionally, the afternoon is a time when many people experience an energy slump due to the body‘s natural circadian rhythms. This can cause a decrease in motivation and make it harder to complete a run. Finally, the sun is typically at its peak in the afternoon, leading to higher temperatures and an increased risk of dehydration or heat exhaustion.

Midday offers the best conditions for a high-intensity run.

Your performance is at 100% around noon and your body is not too tired from your daily activities. Your energy reserves are, compared to the morning, well filled and the physical effort is less intense. These are the best conditions for intensive training. Speed ​​training at lunchtime is especially well tolerated by the body.

Afternoon run

You are in the best possible shape for an afternoon run. Your body is at its best between 4:00 p.m. m. and 7:00 p.m. m. because your temperature is at its highest and your muscles are naturally more relaxed and flexible because they have worked most of the day.

Because of this, running should be easier and you should be able to run faster for longer. According to a study from the National Institutes of Health, your lungs work 6% better in the evening than at other times of the day, which, along with body temperature and muscle flexibility, helps increase your stamina and energy. ability to run longer. distances . Who would have thought?

Mileage and Time of Day Research

Much of the early work on circadian cycles focused on work productivity and sleep problems. It was not until the 1980s that a series of research projects focused on peak sports performance began to develop.

A study from this period, conducted by Claire Baxter and T. Reilly at Liverpool Polytechnic in the UK, examined the variability of performance in 100m and 400m total swims (in terms of duration, approximately equal to 400m). and 1600m) for several days. Swimming is conducive to this type of study because the effects of light, temperature, and time can be eliminated.

But my circadian rhythm is different!

Studies suggest that most people (more than 92% in one study) follow the same 12- or 24-hour circadian rhythm.

At first you might think “Hey! This must apply to someone else: what about my irregular sleep hours and circadian rhythm?

BENEFITS: Benefits of running in the morning

The benefits of running in the morning include starting your day off right, burning more fat throughout the day, and running when you need to.

Some runners think that there is no better way to start the day than running in the morning. In the morning calm, you have time to clear your head and focus on the race. Some runners like to use this time to think about their plan for the day and make a mental list of everything they need to accomplish.

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